‘I was hungry and you fed
me. Thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you received me into your homes.’ Matthew 25
The Welcome and Hospitality Ministry has been an integral part of our community since we became a parish in 1968 and is regarded as an important contribution to the life of the parish.
We are a big group of women and men who feel that welcoming parishioners and visitors alike is a very important aspect of life at St Edmund’s. The group hosts friendly social celebrations for special occasions and following liturgies throughout the year.
Examples are as follows:-
Bacon butties following Christmas Midnight Mass
Light refreshments following the Easter Vigil Celebration
Support for the Divine Mercy Service
Taking our turn in hosting the Churches Together Lenten Lunches; providing pots of warming soup etc.
Feast day celebrations. Sometimes bring and share suppers. Sometimes a buffet will be provided.
Requests from our priest and other parish groups eg. Support for an important anniversary or tea and coffee/buffet following a deceased parishioner’s funeral
They are always hospitable occasions with a warm welcome for all and hopefully with many hands making light work.
If you are interested in joining the group or would like Hospitality support for an event, please see a member of the group, phone 07413119375 (Janet) or 07586248020
(Irena) or use the contact form
or contact the parish office.
‘I tell you whenever you did this for on of the least important of these brothers of mine you did it for me.’ Matthew 25