Let us remember those whose anniversaries occur in May:
Noreen Griffen Terry Courtney-Diehl
Catherine Mary Cockerill Derek Turner
Emily Emanuella Mary Josephine Conchetta Vincent
Gwladys Butler Michael Kelly
Louisa Ryder Aida Busuttil
Adelaid Pauline O’Hara Maud Pudney
George Rowlands Dennis Yeatman
Kathleen Rawson John Brendon Shea
Maria Matheis
Catherine Elizabeth Baker Maureen Brickwood
Celia Mathias Jeffrey Edward Callow
Annie Gilroy Stanislaw Jalmuzna
Matthew Hyland Brian Beverley-Smith
Yogam Ramanathan Winifred Mabb
Sonia James June Mayday
Eric W Adams Kay Smith
William Willerton Kathleen Doris Smith
Alan Hack Mr Ruthuen Wade-Palmer
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.
The office is now based in the Sacred Heart Parish Centre