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Welcome to
St. Edmund's Church, Horndean
Let us remember those whose anniversary occur this month March
Friday 14th March CAFOD Lent Fast Day
For the Lent Season at St. Edmund's 2025, click here
Our 09.30 am Sunday Mass is streamed live on YouTube at:
or search your YouTube app for @stedmunhorndean4491
Children's Liturgy is at the 9.30 mass at St Edmunds on the first Sunday of each Month
If you would like to receive our weekly newsletter via e-mail click the button :
Come And Meet Each Other
Wednesday 2nd April 2025
2.30pm at
Stansted Garden Centre
Rowlands Castle
Contactless Payments
Donations may now be made by card payment (contactless or chip and pin). The 'Sum Up' equipment is available in the hall after Mass.
Calling young people in Years 10-13
you are invited to NEXUS
Every 3rd Sunday of the month at the Sacred Heart Church, Waterlooville, with a Youth-Led Mass at 6.30 click for more details
Saturday, 22nd March
No mass at St. Edmund's
10.00 am Mass at Sacred Heart, Waterlooville
6.15 pm Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart, Waterlooville
9.30 am Mass at St Edmund's
10.30 am Mass at Sacred Heart, Waterlooville
4.00 pm Mass at QA Hospital Chapel
6.30 pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Monday, 24th March
7.00 am Adoration followed by
7.30 am Mass at Sacred Heart, Waterlooville
12.30 pm Mass at QA Hospital Chapel
Tuesday, 25th March
9.30 am Mass at St Edmund's
10.30 am Mass at Sacred Heart, Waterlooville
4.00 pm Mass at QA Hospital Chapel
6.30 pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world, that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine and for all the world. Amen.
The office is now based in the Sacred Heart Parish Centre